Summer Speed Camp

Speed & Agility Camp
July 5th – Aug. 4th

The Complete Speed & Agility Camp is a sports training program that ensures individual attention for maximum results.

Led by our nationally certified coaches, the 5 Week Camp is designed for athletes to develop explosive speed and power. The cutting-edge programming will lead to an increase vertical jump, agility, flexibility and overall speed, while decreasing the risk of injury.

The focus of the clinic will provide the fundamentals of speed and agility training so athletes can improve their linear, lateral & multi-directional movements on the field or court, and improve their overall athletic ability. The goal is to optimize athleticism.

Going beyond just ‘working out’, the athletes that attend the camp will leave with the skills and knowledge of all the drills and ‘why’ they are being performed. As you know, it’s one thing to get great coaching and instruction during the camp sessions, but we want all the athletes to take the newly learned exercises with them so they will be able to apply them all year round.

This comprehensive 60 minute long training program is designed for athletes of speed and power sports. The session time is spent on movement, which includes, stretching, activation, active warm up, linear and lateral speed development, quickness, plyometrics, and core strengthening. The second part of the workout is dedicated to explosive power and increasing overall speed.

You’ll learn new skills with this innovative approach to training. It will change the way you view your training while building on a solid athletic foundation while staying focused on each athlete’s individual goals.

Our Unique Program Covers:

  • Acceleration

  • Max Velocity/Top Speed

  • Speed Endurance

  • Running Mechanics

  • Lateral Speed & Agility

  • Flexibility & Mobility

  • First Step Quickness

  • Power Development

The Complete Speed & Agility Camp will take place at the North Attleboro High School. We will be able to take advantage of sprinting on the track, using the fields for lateral speed & agility and power. The North Attleboro High School is located just minutes from highways I-95, I-295, and I-495 and Route 1, in the town of North Attleboro in South Eastern Massachusetts.

The High School group will run Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm. The Junior group will consist of athletes from Grades 4-8 and will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3pm. Register in your group below!

High School Speed & Agility Camp

  • July 5th – Aug, 4th
  • Meets Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm
  • For High School Athletes
  • 5 Week Speed Camp
  • At the North Attleboro High School Track/Turf

Junior Speed & Agility Camp (Grades 4-8)

  • July 5th – Aug, 4th
  • Meets Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm
  • Athletes in Grades 4th – 8th
  • 5 Week Speed Camp
  • At the North Attleboro High School Track/Turf